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The Chronicles of Addalyne Yutaka Page 2
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Page 2
Trish thought a moment and then said, “George, do you have anything to say?” George looked at Joshua and said, “Sorry again for dropping the wrench on your foot. I saw the bruise and I am really sorry for hurting you.” As the two men stood looking at each other, Trish said, “Well enough gentlemen, in the future try to keep your angry words to yourselves. Our guests do not need to hear them. It appears the matter is settled, you may both sit down.”
When Trish sat down, Tabatha stood up and said, “Joshua, would you do me the honor of taking Addalyne on a tour of this vessel at the conclusion of this meeting. She will need to see every inch of the Yutaka III so she can navigate without feeling as if she is an outsider. I want her to feel comfortable with her new home and to have computer access everywhere except for her fellow crew quarters. Please work with Shelley to insure that the security chip in Addalyne’s wrist is up to date and working.” Joshua stood and said, “Aye, aye, Skipper.” Trish grinned over Joshua’s words, but let his words stand without comment.
As the crew cleared the table and cleaned the dishes in the kitchen, William made coffee and poured a cup for Addalyne. Then he said, “The crew all take turns with kitchen duty and chores. We each make coffee whenever we drain the last cup from the pot. Sharing is a big part of living and working with such a small crew. To accomplish our tasks, we make certain we cover for each other if they are having a bad day or feel ill. You will not find any slackers aboard this vessel, and everyone will take time to guide you so you feel comfortable with any task you wish to undertake. Make certain you communicate your needs or desires to help around here. You are a valuable asset to this crew and its mission, and you are just as important as anyone else is, including the skipper of this vessel. The skipper posts the duty roster here on this bulletin board each morning. Pay attention to it when you enter the kitchen for breakfast, as it changes often. If you need to speak to the skipper, simple speak to the computer and it will give you guidance.”
As William and Addalyne stood talking, Joshua stepped into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. When there was a break in the conversation between William and Addalyne, he asked, “Are you ready for your tour of this incredible vessel, Addalyne?” She smiled and said, “Ready if you are.”
Later that evening, after Addalyne put her belongings into the dresser drawers and made her bed, she took a hot shower. When she was dressed and her hair was dry, she left her quarters and walked a few feet down the hallway. When she stepped up in front of Joshua’s door, she knocked twice and waited for an answer. She heard the door lock release and the door swung open. Addalyne stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. Joshua offered her a chair at his table and then asked if she would like a drink. Addalyne turned to bottle around so she could read the label and then giggled. She looked into Joshua’s eyes and asked, “Are you just being friendly or are you planning on seducing me?” Joshua smiled as he looked into her eyes and said, “Both.” Addalyne stood up, put her hands on Joshua’s shoulders and then asked, “Have you had your shower?” Joshua nodded and said, “Yes, I am clean and presentable.” Addalyne stared into his eyes and waited for him to make the first move. She was not disappointed. Joshua leaned forward and kissed her hard on the lips. When he stepped back, he licked his lips and said, “Mint. I love mint.”
An hour later, Tabatha decided to check on Addalyne to make certain she was comfortable and had everything she needed. When she knocked on Addalyne’s door for the third time with no response, she spoke to the computer. She asked, “Computer, would you locate Addalyne and insure she is safe?” Within a moment or two, the computer spoke to the skipper and said, “Addalyne is in Joshua’s quarters and she is very safe and comfortable. Although she recently made some female human sounds that indicate to me that she and Joshua are making out as you humans call it.” Tabatha laughed and said, “The girl did not take long hooking up with the most eligible bachelor on this vessel. I will watch the two of them squirm at the breakfast table as I quiz them over their nocturnal wrestling match.”
Chapter 2 – Addalyne’s Second Day of the Yutaka III
At breakfast the following morning, Tabatha stepped into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She sat down at the table and joined in the discussions between the crew. When Addalyne looked up into Tabatha’s eyes, the skipper smiled and then said, “Addalyne, during your tour yesterday, did Joshua explain to you that all crewmembers are required to sign their name on the bottom of the duty roster if they had sex the night before?” Joshua and Addalyne both inhaled a deep breath of air and then lowered their eyes so they were staring at their plates. After a moment, Addalyne heard the crew around her giggling. She looked up, instantly pissed over the skipper’s words and the crews’ reaction. Shelley’s telepathic mind allowed her to read Addalyne’s thoughts. Then she reached over, patted Addalyne’s hand and said, “If you had simply said, ‘yes,’ to the question, no one would have known you and Joshua hooked up last night. The skipper was simply goading you into a confession.”
Joshua spoke to Addalyne and said, “They can tease all they want, but I enjoyed spending time with you last night. I also enjoyed discussing your engineering work at IFTT Headquarters and your involvement in the design of the Galileo.” A smile formed on Addalyne’s face as she felt the tense situation ease somewhat. As they finished eating, Daryl spoke to Addalyne and asked if she would have time to help with the cleanup of the kitchen. Addalyne smiled and then said she would like to help. She explained that she hoped the crew would include her in some of the daily chores. She still felt out of place and needed to be included in the daily routine of the vessel to begin feeling comfortable.
William stepped into the kitchen as Addalyne and Daryl finished cleaning and putting the dishes into the cupboards where they belonged. He poured a cup of coffee and asked Addalyne if she would like to begin work. He said, “We engineers do not have an assigned workspace or a permanent desk, but I will spend the next few days helping you get your computer online and accessing the computers schematics and blueprints. It will take you a few days to locate the things you need on the Yutaka III. It seems that the IFTT saw fit to move everything into obscure files instead of placing them in the normal locations we engineers would expect to find them.”
Addalyne stepped over to the shelf along the kitchen wall and retrieved her backpack containing her laptop and other office essentials. She was used to not having an office and her backpack was equipped with most everything she would need to accomplish her job. When she stepped up beside William, he smiled and said, “Looks like you are prepared for your first day of work. I believe you will find this vessel exciting. The Yutaka III is one of the most advanced pieces of machinery the IFTT has ever built. You and I will need to work together most of the time to insure we are always on the same page. The travel computer will catch most mistakes we humans and Demords might make, but I would not like to find us floating out in space after deleting the vessel from under our feet. Just to be certain, let’s not hit the delete keys on our laptops unless we have discussed the consequences with each other; okay?”
Addalyne considered William’s words for a moment and said, “I think your suggestion is valid. I too would not like to make such an error. I like my cute ass to be warm inside this vessel and not sitting out in space with absolute zero temperatures forming icicles on my toes.” She heard the sound of giggles coming from the kitchen table behind her. When she turned around, Joshua smiled and said, “I would also prefer your ass to remain inside the Yutaka III. I hate treating frost bite, especially when it involves a completely quick frozen body.”
When Addalyne booted up her computer and waited for the operation to complete, William began explaining the location of the files she would need. When she tried to access the travel computers files, a warning screen appeared on her laptop and explained the procedure to activate her login credentials. Once she had entered her employee number and full name, the travel computer located the IP
address of her laptop and completed the connection. Within seconds, a welcome page appeared on her laptop along with the operational parameters of the travel computer.
Starmate Model 14 – Time Travel Computer
Created by Ronnie Sam Yutaka
Identification: Yutaka III, independent merchant vessel, created in the Earth year 21,288 AD (Stardate: 18965000.11)
IFTT commissioning: The Yutaka III in the Earth year 21,288 AD (Stardate: 18965000.11)
Last modification by IFTT: 21,288 AD
Last Starmate speed modification by Bahs: 21,264 AD
Next scheduled speed modification by Bahs: Pending
Addalyne jumped when a voice from her laptop speakers said, “Welcome Addalyne Yutaka. You have logged into the Time Travel Computer for the Starship Yutaka III. To help you login for future sessions, please place your wrist containing your implanted security chip over the chip scanner on your laptop computer. I will scan your chip implant for future identification. Once the scan is complete, you only need to place your wrist over the scanner to gain access to your personal files and to my engineering files. Remember that no record of your logins or your work exists on this laptop. If you should need to leave this vessel for a conference or to travel to IFTT Headquarters, the skipper will grant permission for me to download the files you require on an encrypted partition on your laptop.”
As the audio message played, the words displayed on Addalyne’s laptop. Once the message completed, a table of contents appeared on the screen. The list provided links to all of the electrical engineering files and programming code used to design and maintain the Time Travel Computer, travel membrane, Mass Weight Instillers, security systems and all of the miscellaneous equipment required to provide creature comforts for the crew.
Addalyne had worked on Time Travel Computer systems for many years while in school and while aboard the Coalsack, but the Yutaka III had electrical systems far more advanced than any she had seen.
She sat thinking for a moment and then clicked on a small box in the upper right hand corner of the display. A message box opened, providing direct interaction with the Time Travel Computer. The computer acknowledged by displaying the message, “How may I help you, Addalyne?” She began typing in the box:
“Computer, the Time Travel Computer aboard the Coalsack used Predictive Programming, something I believe the original designer, Ronnie Yutaka, used in his first starship, The Empress. Did the IFTT continue with this Predictive Programming when they created you?”
The response was immediate and contained three pages of documentation about Predictive Programming code used in the Yutaka III.
Addalyne felt William place his hand on her shoulder and say, “You and the computer will do just fine together. I will leave you two to discuss your job and the things you need to know. I will return in an hour or so and take you for coffee. Later, I would like to take you deep within the bowels of this vessel, places off limits to you on the Coalsack. I also need to tell you that the skipper has placed rules in the Time Travel Computer to insure you do not accidentally change a file or computer program without the computer first performing functionality checks. The rules will remain in effect for a few weeks until you are comfortable with this vessel’s systems. Feel free to discuss the limitations placed on you by the skipper with the Time Travel Computer. Those checks and balances are there for your protection as much as this vessel and its crew. Don’t feel as if the skipper is trying to control your actions, she is only doing her job to protect her ship and crew.”
After William walked away, Addalyne began reading the message on her laptop. When she was done, she sat thinking for a moment. As she stared at the computer screen, a message began to scroll one letter at a time across her screen, as if the Time Travel Computer was typing a message to her. She giggled when she read, “It is much too time consuming for you to type in the words, Time Travel Computer, each time you require my services. Please give me a nickname instead, maybe the name of a boy you love.” She thought a moment and said, “How about, Aldo; would that be okay with you?” The computer sent back a message that read, “That is a lovely name. It means old in some cultures. Since my origins are very old indeed, the name fits me well, I now reserve that name as your synonym for me.”
When William returned, Addalyne logged off from Aldo and put her computer into the backpack. When she hoisted it onto her shoulder, William said, “Let’s take a trip to the security room for a few minutes. I will show you where you can keep your work related files and things that need careful looking after. You can even store your laptop there if you choose.” When they walked up to the security room door, William spoke aloud and said, “Computer, please allow me access to the security room.” The door remained closed. Addalyne chuckled and said, “Aldo, don’t be rude. Please allow us access to the security room; we have work that needs doing.” The door slid open and they stepped inside. When the door closed, William turned to Addalyne and asked, “What name did you just call the computer and why did it recognize the name?” Addalyne shrugged her shoulders and said, “Aldo is my best friend and he allowed me to assign him a nickname. I think it is great and I thank him for the privilege.” William shrugged his shoulders and said, “You are going to do just fine around here. I am already amazed. You have seduced Doctor Joshua and now you have seduced the Time Travel Computer. Yes, you will do just fine in your new assignment.”
William opened a small locker with six shelves in it and helped Addalyne place her office supplies and laptop in the locker. Then he closed the door and spoke to the computer, “Computer, please secure the lock on locker number four in the security room and only open it for Addalyne or the skipper.” Addalyne heard the lock click and then heard the sound of three chirps coming from the ships overhead speakers. She turned to William, hoping to find the reason for the three chirps from the computer. William smiled and said, “The Time Travel Computer, I mean Aldo to you, will often respond with three chirps after completing an assignment, especially if it is busy with other tasks.”
As Addalyne and William stepped into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, William stepped up to the duty roster to see if the skipper had assigned him a task to complete. When he looked at the bottom of the paper, he laughed aloud when he saw where Addalyne had signed her name twice at the bottom. When he turned to face Addalyne, she giggled and returned her attention to her coffee and hot cinnamon roll. William said, “Computer, can you make time today for Addalyne and I to test the security ejection doors?” The computer did not respond. William stated his request again; this time the computer said, “Sorry for the delay, William. I was busy watching Addalyne lick the frosting off the top of her cinnamon roll. Sure looks delightful. I will schedule time right after you and Addalyne finish your lunch, around fourteen hundred hours. I will contact you later with a precise time.”
William sat down beside Addalyne and picked up his coffee cup. Then he looked at Addalyne and said, “You obviously have a new friend. Aldo, your lover boy will be impossible to deal with now that you are aboard. I hope you are happy with yourself.” William rolled his eyes and took a bite of his cinnamon roll.
Chapter 3 – System Testing and Emergency Exercises
When William and Addalyne stepped into the mechanical room, he said, “This ejection door is to allow the Time Travel Computer to eject any failed device out into open space where it will not cause harm to the vessel or the crew. The engineers have fastened each piece of equipment in this room to the floor with explosive bolts. The connecting pipes and electrical connections are also equipped with explosive disconnects. We will test the ejection door in this room along with the ejection floor panel located in the secure room, which we looked at earlier. I am going to let you figure out how to test both doors without ejecting the crew or any equipment out into space. You can begin the tests whenever you are ready. I will escort you to the security room so you can get your laptop computer to perform the tests.”
Addalyne stood qu
ietly for a few moments. William realized that either she was thinking things over or scared out of her mind with the task he had assigned to her. As he was about to speak to her again, possibly to calm her emotions, the Time Travel Computer began speaking to the crew. It said, “Attention crew. Addalyne Yutaka has reserved time to test both ejections doors on this vessel. Addalyne has requested the skipper’s approval and has received such affirmative approval. All crewmembers are to report to the ready room immediately. Any work you are presently involved with will be saved and accessible when you return to your workstations. Please move with caution as you work your way towards the front of the vessel. The test will begin in twelve minutes or as soon as the skipper and I have accounted for all personnel. Thank you for your patients while we do critical testing to insure the safety of this crew and the Yutaka III’s eleventh dimension vessel containment system.”
William walked over to the mechanical room door and held it open for Addalyne. As she passed him, he asked her how she managed the testing without contacting the Time Travel Computer from her laptop; he knew Addalyne was not telepathic. The words had no more than left his mouth when the answer came to him. When Addalyne turned to face him, he said, “I forgot that you have direct access to the computer through your implant. My question now is why do you even need a laptop when you can work with the computer mentally?” Addalyne smiled and said, “It is important that I know how to perform each task assigned to me without using Aldo. When you assigned me this task, Aldo opened the schematics for the unlatching mechanism and the safety interlocks so I could see how they functioned. I bypassed the use of the laptop since it was important to complete the tests quickly. This is a very busy crew and they need to return to their assigned tasks in a timely fashion. I do not intend to make it a practice to work around the normal human interface methods as I have done this time, but I needed to know that Aldo and I could complete the task together if we needed to do so to protect the crew and vessel.”